To actively reduce the number of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) within the borough of Havant, the Link Up Leigh Park Transition Mentoring Programme (TMP) has been set up.
The TMP effectively uses targeted early intervention to support year 11 and 12 students with the transition from their high school educational environment to their new further education setting.
Year 11 students are prioritised by participating schools and suggested for referral if they present a higher risk of not remaining in education AND have experienced two or more of the following requirements:
1: Mental health support
2: SEND support
3: Receipt of free school meals
4: Social services involvement
5: Attendance under 90%
6: Receive support and/or mentoring
7: Have access arrangement for exams
The two year programme works on the referral process for year 11 students, with the transition support provided as new college students.
A 12 week, multi-faceted mentoring programme is provided to year 11 students which aids young people in clarifying their thoughts and identifying support they require. From this, barriers to further educational engagement are identified and addressed in a bespoke manner.
For the first term as year 12 (college) students, mentoring support is made easily available to access in an ad-hoc manner as required, maintaining the momentum on progress made and helping alleviate potential issues regarding attendance and engagement.
The TMP is delivered in partnership with HSDC, Park Community School and the University of Portsmouth, with financial support from the Health Foundation.
Find out more about the programme, the research and development behind it and how you could benefit by using the Contact Us form or downloading the document below.
Supporting documentation for the programme can be found here.