
This project, supported by the Health Foundation, is one of four that sits under the Economies for Healthier Lives programmes.

Our work is geared towards improving outcomes for young people in Leigh Park with ambitions of also impacting the wider local area. We are working together with services across Havant to create opportunities for young people with young people.

During the first half of 2023, we engaged with over 200 young people from Havant Borough to understand what they view as important to them. From these conversations, we learned that their top 5 priorities are:

  1. Access to Mental Health Support
  2. Enough local jobs for people like me
  3. Feeling safe in Havant and surrounding areas
  4. Access to education and training
  5. Enough places for me to hang out with my friends

Since then, we’ve invited young people along to our ambassador network, Connect Youth, to build up skills to become local ambassadors, to start ensuring young people are involved in conversations and decision-making for services available to them.

Connect Youth Ambassador Meetings currently take place monthly. If you are 16-24 years old, from the Havant area and interested in finding out more, you can reach out to the team by emailing: