Young person in sound testing

Launched in April 2024, the Youth Employment Scheme Havant (YES Havant) helps provide comprehensive opportunities for those aged 18 to 24 access work experience and upskill at the start of their career journeys.

The commitment:
Havant Borough Council is actively committed to both supporting local businesses and providing opportunities for employment and/or upskilling for young people in the borough.

Recognising the outcomes of the national (and time limited) Kickstart scheme, the council was eager to work in partnership and replicate a longer-term sustainable successor to build on its success, where following the scheme 65% of participants were still in employment or accessing further training/education.

How businesses can benefit:

• YES Havant also pays the wages for employers (at National Living Wage level) for a maximum of six months, for up to 25 hours per week.

• Ongoing support from a dedicated work coach throughout the scheme.

• Easy access to young local talent to help your business grow and adapt to need.

• Free membership to Youth Employment UK.

• Enhanced reputation through visible support of the local community.

How young people benefit:

• Barriers to recruitment are removed for those accessing the job market.

• Increased likelihood of staying in employment and/or accessing education and training.

• Opportunity to grow in post and develop key skills for future careers.

• Excellent addition to a CV that provides critical experience of the workplace and improves employability.

• A motivation booster through developing new practical and personal skills in a real-world situation.

Find out more about the programme, the research and development behind it and how you could benefit by using the Contact Us form or downloading the document below.

Book cover - How funded work placements...

Supporting documentation for the programme can be found here.