
Resident participation and engagement is at the forefront of the interventions being led within the borough to improve opportunities for young people.

This engagement helps deliver bespoke, relevant strategies to meet local need – in this instance to help address health and economic inequalities for 16-24 years olds, by resolving how to support them either remain in education or alternatively gain meaningful employment.

This approach has helped inform and develop the many facets of the Link Up Youth Hub initiative and the successes it has achieved to date – and continues to do.

Two key engagement projects helped define the support currently available to young people throughout the borough of Havant. These projects – delivered through successful, considered partnership – were:

1: Youth Engagement Survey:

Defining the priorities of local young people with the borough of Havant through outreach activities and online surveys, using local partners such as youth community groups and the local college to reach as wide and representative an audience as possible.

2: Participatory Insight Programme

Developed in conjunction with the University of Portsmouth, this project captured local opinion through 22 focus groups and 22 interviews with local businesses and organisations.


Find out more about the programme, the research and development behind it and how you could benefit by using the Contact Us form or downloading the document below.

Supporting documentation for the programme can be found here.