Accessing content

Please find attached below a series of toolkits containing resources on the projects the Link Up Youth Hub is working on . These support the various topics outlined in the For Employers section of the site.

If you have any queries about the content – or want to find out more – use the Contact Us page to raise your enquiry and the team will get back to you.

Youth Employment Scheme

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YES Havant Programme

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Business Check In

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YES Havant Employer Guide

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Young Person Check In

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Mental Health Reverse Recruitment Event – Prep Workshop


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Link Up Leigh Park Transition Mentoring Programme

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Young Person impact study

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One to One mentoring sessions

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ACM Line survey

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Mental Health worksheet index

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Mentoring Co-Ordinator job description

Resident participation

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Resident Engagement Approaches

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Methodology – Participatory Insight programme


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The Bursary offer

Youth Ambassadors

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Link Up Leigh Park Connect Youth Ambassadors

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CAMHS Academy Report

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Connect Youth Ambassador Roles